CRC 1461 Fall-Retreat happened online on 09.-10. Nov. 2022
CRC Fall Retreat 2022
The CRC Fall Retreat 2022 happened online on November 09 - 10. Aside from zoom we used wonder-me to create a space for the retreat-participants to discuss their research. The first retreat-day focussed on the scientific progress of the subprojects: one PI of each project presented the current project state in a brief lightning-talk using just one slide and 3-5 minutes talking time. After a short introduction in the new tool, the participants then gathered in the wonder-me space for the afternoon-session. Day two of the retreat focussed on the progress of the so-called focus groups, interdisciplinary work groups that were established during the spring retreat in April in Kiel. The focus groups presented their projects and the results of their work during the last months in 5-10 minutes talks. Again, the following discussions were held in the wonder-me space. The retreat ended with two parallel general assemblies, one of the PIs of the CRC, one of the members of the iRTG. In conclusion, the retreat helped to fuel the existing cross-topic collaborations and to potentially establish new ones. Although, the retreat's online-concept worked well, we are all looking forward to our next retreat in person!