Group C6

Nano-battery to mimic neural transmitters in the synaptic cleft

The aim of C6 is to create and mimic the functionality and geometry of an artificial neuron. The structure of this artificial neuron bases on the functional tetrapodal building blocks surrounded by an electrolyte (analogous to the brain liquid) serving as thermal and ion reservoir. The tetrapodal shape synergizes simplicity, spacial distribution and the maximum possible local distance, which makes it favorable for creating interconnections and forming efficient 3D networks at a later stage of the CRC. As transition metal dichalcogenides show excellent memristive behavior by changing its ionic conductance when incorporating alkaline ions into their structure, they are ideal for mimicking neuronal behavior.


Project Management
Prof. Dr. Rainer Adelung
Doctoral Researchers
Pia Pooker
Associated Post-Docs
Dr. Sören Kaps


Next CRC-colloquium on February 27, 2025: Pia Pooker (Kiel University)


CRC-colloquium on January 23, 2025: Diederik Depla (Ghent University, Belgium): Video is online!


New Event: Are You The Science Type? Challenging Stereotypes!