Data Management and Analysis

The INF-Project will create the foundation of research data management and facilitate the exploitation of the diverse types of data generated by all participating subprojects within the CRC, in collaboration with the Kiel University Computing Centre. It will provide solutions for central data management, data sharing, data accessibility as well as data usability among the subprojects in the CRC. The principal objective of this subproject is to develop a central data portal (cf. Fig. 1) comprising four main service components, a Data Archive (DA), a Linked Data Repository (LDR), a Data Analysis Tool Box (DAT), and a Data Visualization Tool Box (DVT).


Next CRC-colloquium on Apr. 25, 2024: Rebecca Burkholz (CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security)


News from the ZEVS (CAU Kiel): Visit of the European Commission (Article only available in German - sorry!)


CRC-colloquium on February 12, 2024: Petro Feketa (Victoria University of Wellington, NZ): Video is online!