CRC 1461

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Discovering motifs to fingerprint multi-layer networks: a case study on the connectome of C. elegans
Sharma, D., Renz, M. & Hövel, P.
arXiv: 2408.13263

Programming an oscillator-based Ising machine with memristive coupling
Röhrig, J., Al Beattie, B. & Ochs, K.
accepted: IEEE MetroXRAINE (2024)

Self-stacked 1T-1H layers in 6R-NbSeTe and the emergence of charge and magnetic correlations due to ligand disorder
Mahatha, S.K., Phillips, J., Corral-Sertal, J., Subires, D., Korshunov, A., Kar, A., Buck, J., Diekmann, F., Garbarino, G., Ivanov, Y., Chuvilin, A., Mondal, D., Vobornik, I., Bosak, A., Rossnagel, K., Pardo, V., Fumega, A. & Blanco-Canosa, S.
to appear in ACS Nano (2024), doi: 10.1021/acsnano.4c02005 (2024)

Bio-inspired sensor-based sound pre-processing for speech recognition in noisy conditions
Johny, S., Ved, K., Durstewitz, S., Ivanov, T., Ziegler, M. & Lenk, C.
accepted: BioCas 2024 (24.-26.10.2024)

Emulation of auditory nerve adaptation with bio-inspired acoustic sensor to extract sound features
Durstewitz, S., Lenk, C., Ivanov, T. & Ziegler, M.
accepted: NewCas 2024 (16.-19.6. 2024)

A capacitive in-memory computing unit for vector-matrix multiplication
Uhlmann, Ma., Kumar, J., Carta, C., Krstic, M., Kahmen, G. & Ostrovskyy, P.
accepted: 31st IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (2024)

Bio-inspired augmented reality: an interactive, digital twin of C. elegans
Sacristán, D., Jendeny, S., Hövel, P., Albers, C., Beyer, I. & Ochs, K.
bioRxiv preprint (2024)

A functional network model for body column neural connectivity in Hydra
Braun, W., Jenderny, S., Giez, C., Pavleska, D., Klimovich, A., Bosch, T.C.G., Ochs, K., Hövel, P. & Hilgetag, C.C.
bioRxiv preprint (2024)

Estimating effective connectivity in neural networks: comparison of derivative-based and correlation-based methods
Laasch, N., Braun, W., Knoff, L., Bielecki, J. & Hilgetag, C.C.
bioRxiv preprint (2024)

Multiple opsin expression in cubozoan ocelli indicates functional redundancy
Irwin, A.R., Bielecki, J., Hansen, C.R. & Garm, A.
submitted to Proceedings of the Royal Society B

Optimization of Technology processes for Enhanced CMOS-integrated 1T-1R RRAM Device Performance
Dorai Swamy Reddy, K., et al.
submitted to European Physics Journal B

Neural accelerator design and verification using a LUT-based RRAM model
Uhlmann, M., et al.
submitted to IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology


Programming an oscillator-based Ising machine with memristive coupling
Röhrig, J., Al Beattie, B. & Ochs, K.
IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering (MetroXRAINE), pp. 1071-1076, doi: 10.1109/MetroXRAINE62247.2024.10796629 (2024)

An interdisciplinary research field transformed into an intermedial science exploration programme: how to explore neurotronics research and development in a school student laboratory programme
Sacristán, D., Stamer, I., Kohlstedt, H., Beyer, I., and Parchmann, I.
The European Physical Journal B: 97, 175, doi: 10.1140/epjb/s10051-024-00807-z (2024)

Stimulus-dependent spiking and bursting behavior in memsensor circuits: experiment and wave digital modeling
Jenderny, S., Gupta, R., Madurawala, R., Strunskus, T., Faupel, F., Kaps, S., Adelung, R., Ochs, K. & Vahl, A.
The European Physical Journal B: 97, 138, doi: 10.1140/epjb/s10051-024-00770-9 (2024)

Nanooptical substrates for resonance-enhanced gold growth
Schardt, J., Paulsen, M. & Gerken, M.
24th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Bari, Italy, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICTON62926.2024.10647239

On distinguishing rhombohedral from orthorhombic phases in epitaxial doped HfO2 ferroelectric films
Petraru, A., Gronenberg, Schürmann, U., Kienle, L.., Droopad, R. & Kohlstedt, H.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, doi: 10.1021/acsami.4c10423

Satiety controls behavior in Hydra through an interplay of pre-enteric and central nervous system-like neuron populations
Giez, C., Noack, C., Sakib, E., Hofacker, L.-M., Repnick, U., Bramkamp, M. & Bosch, T.C.G.
Cell Reports: 43 (6), 114210, doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.114210 (2024)

Oscillator networks with N‐shaped nonlinearities: Electrical modeling and wave digital emulation
Al Beattie, B., Röhrig, J. & Ochs, K.
International Journal of Numerical Modelling Electronic Networks Devices and Fields, doi: 10.1002/jnm.3255

Universal dimensionality of ferroelectric domain walls in ultrathin films
Kale, S., Petraru, A., Kohlstedt, H., Soni, R.
Advanced Physics Research: doi: 10.1002/apxr.202400014 (2024)

A memristive circuit for self-organized network topology formation based on guided axon growth
Jenderny, S., Ochs, K. and Xue, D.
Scientific Reports: 14, article number: 16643, doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-67400-3 (2024)

Criticality in FitzHugh-Nagumo oscillator ensembles: Design, robustness, and spatial invariance
Al Beattie, B., Feketa, P., Ochs, K. & Kohlstedt, H.
Communication Physics: 7, 46, doi: 10.1038/s42005-024-01530-y (2024)

Blooming and pruning: Learning from mistakes with memristive synapses
Nikiruy, K., Perez, E., Baroni, A., Dorai Swamy Reddy, K., Pechmann, S., Wenger, C. & Ziegler, M.
Scientific Reports: 14, 7802, doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-57660-4 (2024)

Power consumption during forward locomotion of C. elegans: an electrical circuit simulation
Jenderny, S., Ochs, K. & Hövel, P.
The European Physical Journal B: 97,42, doi: 10.1140/epjb/s10051-024-00683-7 (2024)

Sufficient synchronisation conditions for resistively and memristively coupled oscillators of FitzHugh-Nagumo-type
Lautenbacher, R., Al Beattie, B., Ochs, K. & Köhl, R.
Discover Applied Sciences: 6, 198, doi: 10.1007/s42452-024-05791-8 (2024)

Downstream network transformations dissociate neural activity from causal functional contributions
Fakhar, K., Dixit, S., Hadaeghi, F., Kording, K.P. & Hilgetag, C.C.
Scientific Reports: 4(1): 2103. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-52423-7 (2024)

Non-zero crossing current–voltage characteristics of interface-type resistive switching devices
Yarragolla, S., Hemke, T., Trieschmann, J. & Mussenbrock, T.
Applied Physics Letters: 124, 123504, doi: 10.1063/5.0202230 (2024)

The role of vacancy dynamics in two‐dimensional memristive devices
Spetzler, B., Abdel, D., Schwierz, F., Ziegler, M. & Farrell, P.
Advanced Electronic Materials: 10 (1), 2300635 (2024)

CMOS analogue velocity selective neural processing system
Sadrafshari, S., Simmich, S., Metcalfe, B., Prager, J., Granger, N., Donaldson, N., Rieger, R. & Taylor, J.
Electronics: 13 (3), 569 ff., doi: 10.3390/electronics13030569 (2024)

Bio-inspired, adaptive acoustic sensor: sensing properties in dependence of feedback parameters
Ved, K., Lenk, C., Ivanov, T., Hövel, P. & Ziegler, M.
AIP Conference Proceedings: 3062 (1): 040011, doi: 10.1063/5.0189488 (2024)

In situ imaging of dynamic current paths in a neuromorphic nanoparticle network with critical spiking behavior
Gronenberg, O., Adejube, B., Hemke, T., Drewes, J., Asnaz, O.H., Ziegler, F., Carstens, N., Strunskus, T., Schürmann, U., Benedikt, J., Mussenbrock, T., Faupel, F., Vahl, A. & Kienle, L.
Advanced Functional Materials: (2024)

A better SPQR-tree decomposition of electrical circuits containing multiports and its application to wave digital emulation
Al Beattie, B. & Ochs, K.
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications: 52 (2): 483-1026, (2024)

Oscillator-based optimization: Design, emulation, and implementation
Al Beattie, B., Noll, M., Kohlstedt, H. & Ochs, K.
The European Physical Journal B: 97, 7, (2024)

Bio-inspired, adaptive acoustic sensor: Sensing properties in dependence of feedback parameters
Ved, K., Lenk, C., Ivanov, T., Hövel, P. & Ziegler, M.
AIP Conf. Proc.: 3062 (1): 040011, (2024)


Synergize multidisciplinary research via research data management
Sharma, D., Suryani, M. A. , S. Strohm, S. & Renz, M.
IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE): pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/WETICE57085.2023.10477804 (2023)

Multiple neuronal populations control the eating behavior in Hydra and are responsive to microbial signals
Giez, C., Pinkle, D., Giencke, Y., Wittlieb, J., Herbst, E., Spratte, T., Lachnit, T., Klimovich, A., Selhuber-Unkel, C. & Bosch, T.C.G.
Current Biology: 33, doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.10.038 (2023)

Spontaneous body wall contractions stabilize the fluid microenvironment that shapes host-microbe associations
Nawroth, J.C., Giez, C., Klimovich, A., Kanso, E. & Bosch, T.C.G.
eLife: 12: e83637, doi: 10.7554/eLife.83637 (2023)

A comparative study of Pt/Al0.72Sc0.28N/Pt-based thin-film metal-ferroelectric-metal capacitors on GaN and Si substrates
Islam, M.R., Schönweger, G., Wolff, N., Petraru, N., Kohlstedt, H., Fichtner, S. & Kienle, L.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces: 15: 35, doi: 10.1021/acsami.3c05305 (2023)

LUT-based RRAM model for neural accelerator circuit simulation
Uhlmann, M., Rizzi, T., Wen, J., Perez-Bosch Quesada, E., Al Beattie, B., Ochs, K., Pérez, E., Ostrovskyy, P., Carta, C. Wenger, Ch. & G. Kahmen, G.
Proc. 18th ACM International Symposium on Nanoscale Architectures (NANOARCH 2023): 35, 10.1145/3611315.3633273 (2023)

One-transistor-multiple-RRAM cells for energy-efficient in-memory computing
Uhlmann, M., Perez-Bosch Quesada, E., Fritscher, M., Perez, E., Schubert, M.A., Reichenbach, M., Ostrovskyy, P., Wenger, Ch. & Kahmen, G.
Proc. 21st IEEE International New Circuits And Systems Conference (NEWCAS 2023), doi: 10.1109/NEWCAS57931.2023.10198073 (2023)

Light-controlled switching of gait patterns in a central pattern generator: circuit design and emulation
Al Beattie, B., Jenderny, S., Röhrig, J. & Ochs, K.
IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS): pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICECS58634.2023.10382744 (2023)

A bio-inspired CMOS circuit for the excitation and inhibition of neuronal oscillators
Muralidhar, B. K. S., Uhlmann, M., Al Beattie, B., Ochs, K., Kahmen, G. & Rieger, R.
IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS), doi: 10.1109/APCCAS60141.2023.00019 (2023)

Strain-invariant, highly water stable all-organic soft conductors based on ultralight multi-layered foam-like framework structures
Barg, I., Kohlmann, N., Rasch, F., Strunskus, T., Adelung, R., Kienle, L., Faupel, F., Schroeder, S. & Schuett, F.
Advanced Functional Materials: 33, doi: 10.1002/adfm.202212688 (2023)

Two-in-one sensor based on PV4D4-coated TiO2 films for food spoilage detection and as a breath marker for several diseases
Brinza, M., Schroeder, S., Ababii, N., Gronenberg, M., Strunskus, T., Pauporte, T., Adelung, R., Faupel, F., Lupan, O.
Biosensors-Basel: 13, doi: 10.3390/bios13050538 (2023)

Development of 2-in-1 sensors for the safety assessment of lithium-ion batteries via early detection of vapors produced by electrolyte solvents
Lupan, O., Magariu, N., Santos-Carballal, D., Ababii, N., Offermann, J., Pooker, P., Hansen, S., Siebert, L., de Leeuw, N.H.H. & Adelung, R.
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces: 5, 27340–27356, doi: 10.1021/acsami.3c03564 (2023)

Tuning the selectivity of metal oxide gas sensors with vapor phase deposited ultrathin polymer thin films
Schroeder, S., Ababii. N., Brinza, M., Magariu, N., Zimoch, L., Bodduluri, M.T., Strunskus, T., Adelung, R., Faupel, F. & Lupan, O.
Polymers: 15, doi: 10.3390/polym15030524 (2023)

Simulation of neuroplasticity in a CNN-based in-silico model of neurodegeneration of the visual system
Moore, J.A., Wilms, M., Gutierrez, A., Ismail, Z., Fakhar, K., Hadaeghi, F., Hilgetag, C.C. & Forkert, N.D.
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience: 17:1274824, doi: 10.3389/fncom.2023.1274824 (2023)

Structural basis of envelope and phase intrinsic coupling modes in the cerebral cortex
Messé, A., Hollensteiner, K.J., Delettre, C., Dell-Brown, L.A., Pieper, F., Nentwig, L.J., Galindo-Leon, E.E., Larrat, B., Mériaux, S., Mangin, J.F., Reillo, I., de Juan Romero, C., Borrell, V., Engler, G., Toro, R., Engel, A.K. & Hilgetag, C.C.
NeuroImage: 276:120212, doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.120212 (2023)

Review: Machine learning for advancing low-temperature plasma modeling and simulation
Trieschmann, J., Vialetto, L. & Gergs, T.
Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials, and Metrology: 22(4), 041504, doi: 10.1117/1.JMM.22.4.041504 (2023)

Physics-separating artificial neural networks for predicting initial stages of Al sputtering and thin film deposition in Ar plasma discharges
Gergs, T., Mussenbrock, T. & Trieschmann, T.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics: 56(8), 084003, doi: 10.1088/1361-6463/acb6a4 (2023)

Regional and interhemispheric differences of neuronal representations in dentate gyrus and CA3 inferred from expression of zif268
Schmill, L.P., Bohle, K., Röhrdanz, N., Schiffelholz, T., Balueva, K. & Wulff, P.
Scientific Reports: 13(1):18443. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-45304-y (2023)

Task-specific oscillatory synchronization of prefrontal cortex, nucleus reuniens, and hippocampus during working memory
de Mooij-van Malsen, J.G., Röhrdanz, N., Buschhoff, A.S., Schiffelholz, T., Sigurdsson, T. & Wulff, P.
iScience: 26(9):107532. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.107532 (2023)

Resistive switching effect in Ag-poly(ethylene glycol) nanofluids: Novel avenue toward neuromorphic materials
Nikitin, D., Biliak, K., Pleskunov, P., Ali-Ogly, S., Červenková, V., Carstens, N., Adejube, B., Strunskus, T., Černochová, Z., Štěpánek, P., Bajtošová, L., Cieslar, M., Protsak, M., Tosca, M., Lemke, J., Faupel, F., Biederman, H., Vahl, A. & Choukourov, A.
Advanced Functional Materials: doi: 10.1002/adfm.202310473 (2023)

Plasmonic polarons induced by alkali-atom deposition in hafnium disulfide 1T−HfS2
Emeis, C., Mahatha S.K., Rohlf, S., Rossnagel, K. & Caruso, F.
Physical Review B: 108, 155149 (2023)

2022 Review of data-driven plasma science
Anirudh, R., Archibald, R., Asif, M.S., Becker, M.M., Benkadda S., Bremer, P.-T., Budé, R.H.S. , Chang, C.S., Chen, L., Churchill, R.M., Citrin, J., Gaffney, J.A., Gainaru, A., Gekelman, W., Gibbs, T., Hamaguchi, S., Hill, C., Humbird, K., Jalas, S., Kawaguchi, S., Kim, G.-H., Kirchen, M., Klasky, S., Kline, J.L., Krushelnick, K., Kustowski, B., Lapenta, G., Li, W., Ma, T., Mason, N.J., Mesbah, A., Michoski, C., Munson, T., Murakami, I., Najm, H.N., Olofsson, K.E.J., Park, S., Peterson, J.L., Probst, M., Pugmire, D., Sammuli, B., Sawlani, K., Scheinker, A., Schissel, D.P., Shalloo, R.J., Shinagawa, J., Seong, J., Spears, B.K., Tennyson, J., Thiagarajan, J., Ticoş, C.M., Trieschmann, J., van Dijk, J., Essen, B.V., Ventzek, P., Wang, H., Wang, J.T.L., Wang, Z., Wende, K., Xu, X., Yamada, H., Yokoyama, T. & Zhang, Y.
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science: 51(7), 1750–1838, doi: 10.1109/TPS.2023.3268170 (2023)

Charge-optimized many-body interaction potential for AlN revisited to explore plasma–surface interactions
Gergs, T., Mussenbrock, T. & Trieschmann, T.
Scientific Reports: 13(1), 5287, doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-31862-8 (2023)

A generic compact and stochastic model for non-filamentary analog resistive switching devices
Yarragolla, S., Hemke T. & Mussenbrock, T.
12th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST): pp. 1-4, doi:10.1109/MOCAST57943.2023.10176574 (2023)

Electrical and wave digital modeling of CMOS-based ring oscillators
Al Beattie, B., Muralidhar, B. K. S., Uhlmann, M., Kahmen, G., Rieger, R. & Ochs, K.
Proc. IEEE 30th International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS): pp. 1-4, December 2023. doi: 10.1109/ICECS58634.2023.10382939 (2023)

A piezoelectronic biologically plausible spiking neuron
Simmich, S., Yilmaz, M., Ashkrizzadeh, R., Petraru, A. & Rieger, R.
Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS): pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ISCAS46773.2023.10181416 (2023)

Wave digital emulation of an enhanced compact model for RRAM devices with multilevel capability
Al Beattie, B., Pérez-Bosch Quesada, E., Uhlmann, M., Pérez, E., Kahmen, G., Solan, E. & Ochs, K.
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 22: 753-762, doi: 10.1109/TNANO.2023.3328821 (2023)

Associative learning in the box jellyfish Tripedalia cystophora
Bielecki, J., Nielsen, S.K.D., Nachman, G. & Garm, A.
Current Biology: doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.08.056 (2023)

Bio-Inspired Information Pathways - From Neuroscience to Neurotronics (Book)
Ziegler, M., Mussenbrock, T., Kohlstedt, H. (Eds.)
Springer Series on Bio- and Neurosystems: doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-36705-2 (2023)

Pathways towards truly brain-like computing primitives
Terasa, M.-I., Birkoben, T., Noll, M., Adejube, B., Madurawala, R., Carstens, N., Strunskus, T., Kaps, S., Faupel, F., Vahl, A., Kohlstedt, H. & Adelung, R.
Materials Today: 69, 41-53, doi: 0.1016/j.mattod.2023.07.019. (2023)

Plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition of silicon nitride for front-end-of-line applications
Lisker, M., Mahadevaiah, M.K., Dorai Swamy Reddy, K.
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 41: 042406 (2023)

In-grain ferroelectric switching in sub-5 nm thinAl0.74Sc0.26N films at 1 V
Schönweger, G., Wolff, N., Islam, M.R., Gremmel, M., Petraru, A., Kienle, L., Kohlstedt. H. & Fichtner, S.
Advanced Science 10: 2302296 (2023)

A better SPQR-tree decomposition of electrical circuits containing multiports and its application to wave digital emulation
Al Beattie, B. & Ochs, K.
Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl.: doi: 10.1002/cta.3781(2023)

Ferroelectric size effects on statics and dynamics of domain wall
Kale, S., Petraru, A., Kohlstedt, H. & Soni, R.
Small: doi: 10.1002/smll.202303880 (2023)

Scale-free avalanches in arrays of FitzHugh-Nagumo oscillators
Contreras, M., Medeiros, E.S., Zakharova, A., Hövel, P. & Franović, I.
Chaos: 33, 093106, doi: 10.1063/5.0165778 (2023)

A systematic derivation and illustration of temporal pair-based models
Humphries, K. Mulchrone, K. & Hövel, P.
In: Temporal Network Theory. Theoretical Biology, edited by P. Holme and J. Saramäki (Springer): 403-434 (2023)

From circuit principles to human psychiatric disorders
Barbas, H. & Hilgetag, C.C.
Biological Psychiatry: 93(5):388-390. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2022.08.007 (2023)

Transitional cluster dynamics in a model for delay-coupled chemical oscillators
Keane, A. Neff, A., Blaha, K., Amann, A. & Hövel, P.
Chaos 33: 063133 (2023)

Perspectives on adaptive dynamical systems
Sawicki, J., Berner, R., Loos, S.A.M., Anvari, M., Bader, R., Barfuss, W., Botta, N., Brede, N., Franović, I., Gauthier, D.J., Goldt, S., Hajizadeh, A., Hövel, P., Karin, O., Lorenz-Spreen, P., Miehl, C., Mölter, J., Olmi, S., Schöll, E., Seif, A., Tass, P.A., Volpe, G., Yanchuk, S. & Kurths, J.
Chaos 33: 071501 (2023)

Information parity on functional brain networks increases under psychedelic influence
Viol, A., Viswanathan, G.M., Soldatkina, O., Palhano-Fontes, F., Onias, H., de Araujo, D. & Hövel, P.
J. Phys. Complex 4: 01LT02, 01LT0 (2023)

A memristor-based circuit approximation of the Hindmarsh-Rose model
Jenderny, S., Ochs, K. & Hövel, P.
The European Physical Journal B: 96, Article number: 110 (2023)

A reservoir computer-based modeling of hunting dynamics in predator-prey scenarios
Jenderny, S., Ochs, K. & Naame, K.N.
21st IEEE Interregional NEWCAS Conference (NEWCAS), pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/NEWCAS57931.2023.10198154 (2023)

Wave digital emulation of a light-modulated central pattern generator
Jenderny, S., Ochs, K. & Alsoloh, A.
21st IEEE Interregional NEWCAS Conference (NEWCAS), pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/NEWCAS57931.2023.10198188 (2023)

A simplified Hindmarsh-Rose model based on power-flow analysis
Jenderny, S., Ochs, K., Gibson, M. & Hövel, P.
21st IEEE Interregional NEWCAS Conference (NEWCAS), pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/NEWCAS57931.2023.10198053 (2023)

One-transistor-multiple-RRAM cells for energy-efficient in-memory computing
Uhlmann, M., Pérez-Bosch Quesada E., Fritscher, M., Pérez, E., Schubert, M.A., Reichenbach, M., Ostrovskyy, P., Wenger, C. & Kahmen, G.
21st IEEE Interregional NEWCAS Conference (NEWCAS), pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/NEWCAS57931.2023.10198073 (2023)

Solving a one-dimensional moving boundary problem based on wave digital principles
Al Beattie, B. & Ochs, K.
Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing: doi: 10.1007/s11045-023-00881-z (2023)

Synchronization measurement based on Poincaré’s sphere
Ochs, K. & Al Beattie, B.
Nonlinear Dynamics: doi: 10.1007/s11071-023-08718-x (2023)

Physics-separating artificial neural networks for predicting sputtering and thin film deposition of AlN in Ar/N2 discharges on experimental timescales
Gergs, T., Mussenbrock, T. & Trieschmann, J.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 59, 194001 (2023)

Domain wall movement in undoped ferroelectric HfO2: A Rayleigh analysis
Marquardt, R., Petersen, D., Gronenberg, O., Zahari, F., Lamprecht, R., Popkirov, G., Carstensen, J., Kienle, L. & Kohlstedt, H.
ACS Appl. Electron. Mater.: doi: 10.1021/acsaelm.3c00336 (2023)

Impedance spectroscopy on hafnium oxide-based memristive devices
Marquardt, R., Zahari, F., Carstensen, J., Popkirov, G., Gronenberg, O., Kolhatkar, G., Kohlstedt, H. & Ziegler, M.
Advanced Electronic Materials 2201227 (2023)

Trap-assisted memristive switching in HfO2-based devices studied by in situ soft and hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Zahari, F., Marquardt, R., Kalläne, M., Gronenberg, O., Schlueter, C., Matveyev, Y., Haberfehlner, G., Diekmann, F., Nierhauve, A., Buck, J., Hanff, A., Kolhatkar, G., Kothleitner, G., Kienle, L., Ziegler, M., Carstensen, J., Rossnagel, K. & Kohlstedt, H.
Advanced Electronic Materials 2201226 (2023)

Thermal stability of the ferroelectric properties in 100 nm-thick Al0.72Sc0.28N
Guido, R., Lomenzo, P.D., Islam, M.R., Wolff, N., Gremmel, M., Schönweger, G., Kohlstedt, H., Kienle, L., Mikolajick, T., Fichtner, S. & Schröder, U.
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 15, 5, 7030–7043 (2023)

Experimental assessment of multilevel RRAM-based vector-matrix multiplication operations for in-memory computing
Perez-Bosch Quesada, E., Mahadevaiah, M.K., Rizzi, T., Wen, J., Ulbricht, M., Krstic, M., Wenger, C. & Perez, E.
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 70(4), 2009 (2023)

A network-theoretical perspective on oscillator-based Ising machines
Al Beattie, B. & Ochs, K.
Int J Circ Theor Appl 51(6): 2499-2517 (2023)
DOI: org/10.1002/cta.3553

Neuromorphic acoustic sensing using an adaptive microelectromechanical cochlea with integrated feedback
Lenk, C, Hövel, P., Ved, K., Durstewitz, S., Meurer, T., Fritsch, T., Männchen, A., Küller, J., Beer, D., Ivanov, T. & Ziegler, M.
Nature Electronics 6: 370–380 (2023)

Influence of sensor design on bio-inspired, adaptive acoustic sensing
Khan, Lenk, C., A. Männchen, A., Küller, J., Beer, D., Gubbi, V., Ivanov,T. & Ziegler, M.
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2023 ISBN: 978-3-939296-21-8, 415-418 (2023)

Artificial homeostatic temperature regulation via bio-inspired feedback mechanisms
Feketa, P., Birkoben, T., Noll, M., Schaum, A., Meurer, T. & Kohlstedt, H.
Scientific Reports 13, article number: 5003 (2023)

Characterization of the planarian surface electroencephalogram
Freiberg, J., Lang, L., Kaernbach, C. & Keil, J.
BMC Neuroscience 24, article number: 29 (2023)


Al2O3/ZnO heterostructure-based sensors for volatile organic compounds in safety applications
Lupan, O., Santos-Carballal, D., Magariu, N., Mishra, A.K., Ababii, N., Krueger, H., Wolff, N., Vahl, A., Bodduluri, M.T., Kohlmann, N., Kienle, L., Adelung, R., de Leeuw , N.H. & Hansen, S.
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces: 14, 25, 29331–29344, doi: 10.1021/acsami.2c03704 (2022)

Sensing performance of CuO/Cu2O/ZnO:Fe heterostructure coated with thermally stable ultrathin hydrophobic PV3D3 polymer layer for battery application
Schroeder, S., Ababii, N., Lupan, O., Drewes, J., Magariu, N., Krueger, H., Strunskus, T., Adelung, R., Hansen, S. & Faupel, F.
Materials Today Chemistry: 23, doi: 10.1016/j.mtchem.2021.100642 (2022)

ΔFosB accumulation in hippocampal granule cells drives cFos pattern separation during spatial learning
Lamothe-Molina, P.J., Franzelin, A., Beck, L., Li, D., Auksutat, L., Fieblinger, T., Laprell, L., Alhbeck. J., Gee, C.E., Kneussel, M., Engel, A.K., Hilgetag, C.C., Morellini, F. & Oertner, T.G.
Nature Communications: 13, Article number: 63766376, doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-33947-w (2022)

Brain connectivity meets reservoir computing
Damicelli, F., Hilgetag, C.C. & Goulas, A.
PLoS Computational Biology: 18(11):e1010639, doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010639 (2022)

Reaction-diffusion models in weighted and directed connectomes
Schmitt, O., Nitzsche, C., Eipert, P., Prathapan, V., Hütt, M.T. & Hilgetag, C.C.
PLoS Computational Biology: 18(10):e1010507, doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010507 (2022)

A natural cortical axis connecting the outside and inside of the human brain
Hilgetag, C.C., Goulas, A. & Changeux, J.P.
Network Neuroscience: 6(4):950-959, doi: 10.1162/netn_a_0025 (2022)

The highways and byways of the brain
Hilgetag, C.C. & Zikopoulos, B.
PLoS Biology: 20(3):e3001612, doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3001612 (2022)

Bringing anatomical information into neuronal network models
an Albada, S.J., Morales-Gregorio, A., Dickscheid, T., Goulas, A., Bakker, R., Bludau, S., Palm, G., Hilgetag, C.C. & Diesmann, M.
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology: 1359:201-234, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-89439-9_9 (2022)

Brain simulation as a cloud service: The Virtual Brain on EBRAINS
Schirner, M., Domide, L., Perdikis, D., Triebkorn, P., Stefanovski, L., Pai, R., Prodan, P., Valean, B., Palmer, J., Langford, C., Blickensdörfer, A., van der Vlag, M., Diaz-Pier, S., Peyser, A., Klijn, W., Pleiter, D., Nahm, A., Schmid, O., Woodman, M., Zehl, L., Fousek, J., Petkoski, S., Kusch, L., Hashemi, M., Marinazzo, D., Mangin, J.F., Flöel, A., Akintoye, S., Stahl, B.C., Cepic, M., Johnson, E., Deco, G., McIntosh, A.R., Hilgetag, C.C., Morgan, M., Schuller, B., Upton, A., McMurtrie, C., Dickscheid, T., Bjaalie, J.G., Amunts, K., Mersmann, J., Jirsa, V. & Ritter, P.
NeuroImage: 251:118973. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.118973 (2022)

Systematic perturbation of an artificial neural network: A step towards quantifying causal contributions in the brain
Fakhar, K. & Hilgetag, C.C.
PLoS Computational Biology: 8(6):e1010250, doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010250 (2022)

Physics inspired compact modelling of BiFeO3 based memristors
Yarragolla, S., Du, N., Hemke, T., Zhao, X., Chen, Z., Polian, I. & Mussenbrock, T.
Scientific Reports: 12, Article number 20490 (2022)

A pressure-sensitive oscillator for neuromorphic applications
Muralidhar, B.K.S., Ashkrizzadeh, R., Kohlstedt, H., Petraru, A. & Rieger, R.
Proc. IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS): pp. 345-348, doi: 10.1109/BioCAS54905.2022.9948695 (2022)

From fully strained to relaxed: Epitaxial ferroelectric Al1-xScxN for III-N technology
Schönweger, G., Petraru, A., Islam, M.R., Wolff, N., Haas, B., Hammud, A., Koch, C., Kienle, L., Kohlstedt, H. & Fichtner, S.
Advanced Functional Materials 32, 2109632 (2022)

Ultrathin Al1−xScxN for low-voltage-driven ferroelectric-based devices
Schönweger, G., Islam, M.R., Wolff, N., Haas, Petraru, A., Kienle, L., Kohlstedt, H. & Fichtner, S.
Phys. Status Solidi RRL 17: 2200312 (2022)

Modulating the filamentary-based resistive switching properties of HfO2 memristive devices by adding Al2O3 layers
Mahadevaiah, M.K., Perez, E., Lisker, M., Schubert, M.A., Perez-Bosch Quesada, E., Wenger, C. & Mai, A.
Electronics (MDPI) 11(10), 1540 (2022)

In-depth characterization of switching dynamics in amorphous HfO2 memristive arrays for the implementation of synaptic updating rules
Perez, E., Mahadevaiah, M. K., Perez-Bosch Quesada, E. & Wenger, C.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 61(SM), SM1007 (2022)

Bio-inspired, nonlinear and adaptive acoustic sensing – Study of sensor design
Lenk, C., Ivanov, T., Gubbi, V., Ved, K., Ziegler, M., Fritsch, T., Küller, J. & Beer, D.
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2022 393-396, ISBN: 978-3-939296-20-1 (2022)

Bio-inspired acoustic sensor with gain adaptation enhancing dynamic range and onset detection
Durstewitz, S., Lenk, C. & Ziegler, M.
Conf Proc IEEE Int Symp. on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 789-793, doi: 10.1109/ISCAS48785.2022.9937484 (2022)

Brain-like critical dynamics and long-range temporal correlations in percolating networks of silver nanoparticles and functionality preservation after integration of insulating matrix
Carstens, N., Adejube, B., Strunskus, T., Faupel, F., Brown, S. & Vahl, A.
Nanoscale Advances 4, 3149-3160 (2022)

Neuronal-like irregular spiking dynamics in highly volatile memristive intermediate-scale AgPt-nanoparticle assemblies
Carstens, N., Strunskus, T., Faupel, F., Hassanien, A. & Vahl, A.
Particle & Particle Systems Chacterization 2200131 (2022)

In situ laser light scattering for temporally and locally resolved studies on nanoparticle trapping in a gas aggregation source
Drewes, J., Rehders, S., Strunskus, T., Kersten, H., Faupel F. & Vahl, A.
Particle & Particle Systems Chracterization 29 (11), 220012 (2022)

Nanosensors based on a single ZnO:Eu Nanowire for hydrogen gas sensing
Lupan, O., Mishra, A.K., Wolff, N., Drewes, J., Krüger, H., Vahl, A., Lupan, O., Pauporté, T., Viana, B., Kienle, L., Adelung; R., de Leeuw, N.H. & Hansen, S.
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 14, 36, 41196–41207 (2022)

Wave digital emulation of a bio-inspired circuit for axon growth
Jenderny, S. & Ochs, K.
IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS) 260-264 (2022)

The impact of rapid thermalannealing for the ferroelectricity of undoped sputtered HfO2 and it's wake-up effect
Gronenberg, O., Marquardt, R., Lamprecht, R., Ekici, Y., Schürmann, U., Kohlstedt, H., & Kienle, L.
Journal of Applied Physics 132:094101 (2022)

Structural plasticity driven by task performance leads to criticality signatures in neuromorphic oscillator networks
Feketa, P., Meurer, T. & Kohlstedt, H.
Scientific Reports 12:15321 (2022)

Unknown input reconstruction from temporal activity patterns of thermosensitive neuronal ensembles using reservoir computing
Feketa, P., Schaum, A. & Meurer, T.
IFAC-PapersOnLine 55(20):570-575 (2022)
In Proceedings of the 10th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling MATHMOD 2022, Vienna, Austria, 27–29 July 2022

‘One region to control them all'- the surprising effectiveness of network control theory in predicting post-stroke recovery from aphasia
Popova, M., Fakhar, K. & Braun, W.
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 10 (2022)

Wave digital model of calcium-imaging-based neuronal activity of mice
Jenderny, S. & Ochs, K.
International Journal of Numerical Modeling e3053 (2022)

Towards a self-organzing neuronal network based on guided axon-growth
Michaelis, D., Ochs, K., Al Beattie, B. & Jenderny, S.

Towards wave digital modeling of neural pathways using two-port coupling networks
Ochs, K. & Al Beattie, B.

The 2022 plasma roadmap: low temperature plasma science and technology
Adamovich, I., Agarwal, S., Ahedo, E., Alves, L.L., Baalrud, S., Babaeva, N., Bogaerts, A., Bourdon, A., Bruggeman, P.J., Canal, C., Choi, E.H., Coulombe, S., Donkó, Z., Graves, D.B., Hamaguchi, S., Hegemann, D., Hori, M.,  Kim, H.-H., Kroesen, G.M.W., Kushner, M.J., Laricchiuta, A., Li, X., Magin, T.E., Thagard, S.M., Miller, V., Murphy, A.B., Oehrlein, G.S. , Puac, N., Sankaran, R.M., Samukawa, S., Shiratani, M., Šimek, M., Tarasenko, N., Terashima, K., Jr, E.T., Trieschmann, Tsikata, S., Turner, M.M., van der Walt, I.J., van de Sanden, M.C.M. and von Woedtke, T.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 55, 373001 (2022)

Molecular dynamics study on the role of Ar ions in the sputter deposition of Al thin films
Gerg, T., Mussenbrock, T., Trieschmann, J.
Journal of Applied Physics 132, 063302 (2022)

Artificial neural network performance based on correlation analysis qualitatively comparable with human performance in behavioral signal detection experiments
Diederich, N., Ziegler, M. & Kaernbach, C.
Journal of Neurophysiology 128:2, 279-289 (2022)

Digging deeper: Buried layers and interfaces studied by modified total electron yield and soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy
Kröger, E., Petraru, A., Hanff, A., Soni, R., Kalläne, M., Denlinger, J.D., Learmonth, T., Guo, J.-H., Smith, K.E., Schneller, T., Freelon, B., Kipp, L., Kohlstedt, H., Rossnagel, K. & Kolhatkar, G.
Applied Physics Letters 120: 181601 (2022)

High-frequency oscillations and sequence generation in two population models of hippocampal region CA1
Braun, W. & Memmesheimer, R.-M.
PLOS Computational Biology 18(2): e1009891 (2022)

Stochastic behavior of an interface-based memristive device
Yarragolla, S., Hemke, T., Trieschmann, J., Zahari, F., Kohlstedt, H. & Mussenbrock, T.
Journal of Applied Physics 131, 134304 (2022)

Sparse CNT networks with implanted AgAu nanoparticles: A novel memristor with short-term memory bordering between diffusive and bipolar switching
Terasa M.-I., Holtz, P., Carstens, N., Kaps, S., Faupel, F., Vahl, A. & Adelung, R.
PLOS ONE 17(3): e0264846 (2022)

Correlation between properties of direct current magnetron sputtered thin niobium nitride films and plasma parameters
Marquardt, R., Cipo, J., Schlichting, F., Kolhatkar, G., Kohlstedt, H. & Kersten, H.
Thin Solid Films 742(31), 139046 (2022)

Efficient plasma-surface interaction surrogate model for sputtering processes based on autoencoder neural networks
Gergs, T., Borislavov, B. & Trieschmann, J.
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 40, 012802 (2022)


A connectomic hypothesis for the hominization of the brain
Changeux, J.P., Goulas, A. & Hilgetag, C.C.
Cerebral Cortex: 31(5): 2425-2449, doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhaa365 (2021)

The natural axis of transmitter receptor distribution in the human cerebral cortex
Goulas, A., Changeux, J.P., Wagstyl, K., Amunts, K., Palomero-Gallagher, N., Hilgetag, C.C.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A.: 118(3):e2020574118, doi: 10.1073/pnas.2020574118 (2021)

Bio-instantiated recurrent neural networks: Integrating neurobiology-based network topology in artificial networks
Goulas, A., Damicelli, F. & Hilgetag, C.C.
Neural Networks: 142:608-618, doi: 10.1016/j.neunet.2021.07.011 (2021)

Memristive-based in-memory computing: From device to large-scale CMOS integration
Perez-Bosch Quesada, E., Perez, E., Mahadevaiah, M.K. & Wenger C.
Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering 1(2), 024006 (2021)

TiO2/Cu2O/CuO multi-nanolayers as sensors for H2 and volatile organic compounds: An experimental and theoretical investigation
Lupan, O., Santos-Carballal, D., Ababii, N., Magariu, N., Hansen, S., Vahl, A., Zimoch, L., Hoppe, M., Pauporté, T., Galstyan, V., Sontea, V., Chow, L., Faupel, F., Adelung, R., de Leeuw, N.H. & Comini, E.
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13, 27, 32363–32380 (2021)

Tailoring the selectivity of ultralow-power heterojunction gas sensors by noble metal nanoparticle functionalization
Lupan, O., Ababii, N., Santos-Carballal, D., Terasa, M.-I-, Magariu, N., Zappa, D., Comini, E., Pauporté, T., Siebert, L., Faupel, F., Vahl, A., Hansen, S., de Leeuw, N.H. & Adelung, R.
Nano Energy 88 106241 (2021)

Generalized method for charge-transfer equilibrium in molecular dynamics
Gergs, T., Schmidt, F., Mussenbrock, T. & Trieschmann, J.
J. Chem. Theory Comput. 17, 11, 6691–6704 (2021)

Taking a microscale look at symbiotic interactions - and why it matters
Bosch, T. C. G.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 118, e2110874118 (2021)

Performance assessment of amorphous HfO2-based RRAM devices for neuromorphic applications
Ossorio, O. G., Vinuesa, G., Garcia, H., Sahelices, B., Duenas, S., Castan, H., Perez, E., Kalishettyhalli Mahadevaiah, M. & Wenger, C.
ECS Trans. 102, 29–35 (2021)

Making the invisible visible: exploring host–microbiome interactions across different taxa using data-driven 3D visualization
Landis, S. H., Duscher, T. & Bosch, T. C. G.
The Biochemist 43, 40–45 (2021)

Accurate program/verify schemes of resistive switching memory (RRAM) for in-memory neural network circuits
Milo, V., Glukhov, A., Pérez, E., Zambelli, C., Lepri, N., Mahadevaiah, M. K., Quesada, E. P.-B., Olivo, P., Wenger, C. & Ielmini, D.
IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 1–6 (2021)

On the role of the excitation/inhibition balance of homeostatic artificial neural networks
Brütt, M. & Kaernbach, C.
Entropy 23, 1681 (2021)

An equivalent electrical circuit for the Hindmarsh‐Rose model
Ochs, K. & Jenderny, S. Int. J. Circuit Theory Appl. 49, 3526–3539 (2021)

A CMOS integrated low-power, ultra-low-frequency relaxation oscillator for neuromorphic applications
Cheng, X., Birkoben, T., Kohlstedt, H. & Bahr, A. 2021 IEEE MWSCAS, pp. 170-174 (2021)

An Ising machine solving max-cut problems based on the circuit synthesis of the phase dynamics of a modified Kuramoto model
Ochs, K., Al Beattie, B. & Jenderny, S.
2021 IEEE MWSCAS, pp. 982-985 (2021)

Kuramoto model with Hebbian learning mimics spatial correlations causing an optical illusion
Ochs, K., Michaelis, D., Jenderny, S. & Szymendera, M.-K.
2021 IEEE MWSCAS, pp. 36-39 (2021)

A self-organizing gait pattern generator exploiting an electrical circuit for axon growth
Michaelis, D., Jenderny, S. & Ochs, K.
2021 IEEE MWSCAS, pp. 166-169 (2021)

A memristive circuit for gait pattern classification based on self-organized axon growth
Michaelis, D., Ochs, K. & Jenderny, S.
2021 IEEE MWSCAS, pp. 162-165 (2021)

Synthesis of an equivalent circuit for spike-timing-dependent axon growth: What fires together now really wires together
Ochs, K., Michaelis, D., & Jenderny, S.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Regul. Pap. 68 (9), 3656–3667 (2021)

An equivalent electrical circuit for the Hindmarsh-Rose model
Ochs, K. & Jenderny, S.
Int. J. Circuit Theory Appl., pp. 1–14 (2021)

Distributed parameter state estimation for the Gray–Scott reaction-diffusion model
Feketa, P., Schaum, A. & Meurer, T.
Systems 9(4), 71 (2021)

Performance assessment of amorphous HfO2 -based RRAM devices for neuromorphic applications
Ossorio, O. G., Vinuesa, G., García, H., Sahelices, B., Dueñas, S., Castán, H., Pérez, E., Mahadevaiah, M. K. & Wenger, Ch.
ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol. 10, 083002 (2021)

Stability of cluster formations in adaptive Kuramoto networks
Feketa, P., Schaum, A. & Meurer, T.
IFAC-Pap. 54, 14–19 (2021)

A survey on the modeling of hybrid behaviors: how to account for impulsive jumps properly
Feketa, P., Klinshov, V. & Lücken, L.
Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 105955 (2021)

Variability and energy consumption tradeoffs in multilevel programming of RRAM arrays
Perez, E., Mahadevaiah, M. K., Quesada, E. P.-B. & Wenger, C.
IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 68, 2693–2698 (2021)

Neurons interact with the microbiome: an evolutionary-informed perspective
Giez, C., Klimovich, A. & Bosch, T.C.G.
Neuroforum 27(2) (2021)  

Engineering method for tailoring electrical characteristics in TiN/TiOx/ HfOx/Au Bi-layer oxide memristive devices
Park, S., Klett, S., Ivanov, T., Knauer, A., Doell, J. & Ziegler, M.
Front. Nanotechnol. 3:670762 (2021)  

Toward reliable compact modeling of multilevel 1T-1R RRAM devices for neuromorphic systems
Pérez-Bosch Quesada, E., Romero-Zaliz, R., Pérez, E., Kalishettyhalli Mahadevaiah, M., Reuben, J., Schubert, M. A., Jiménez-Molinos, F., Roldán, J. B., & Wenger, C. Electronics, 10(6), 645 (2021)  

Prelimary work

Project related prelimary work can be found on the webpage of the Research Unit 2093 as well as on the webpages of the subproject management.


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